Tora Company

Suction Boom

Suction Boom Technical Data

Telescopic Arm Suction Boom is used on Cleaning Combination Trucks, Sewage Cleaning Trucks, Sewer Cleaning Trucks, Vacuum Trucks, Vacuum Excavators.

Suction Boom is designed and equipped with tanks to suck sewage or mug.

Telescopic Arm Suction Boom usually install top side of the tank and its fully equipped with hydraulic, electric accessories and suction pipe.

The suction boom is durable up to -1 / +4 bar (relative) vacuum/pressure.

24V solenoid valve coils : Aprx.  1 A

12V Solenoid valve coils : Aprx. 2 A

Maximum rotation angle : 270°

Suction Boom Technical Data

ProductMaterialDiameterValvePower SupplyWeigth [kg]
DN100S235JR & Galvanize100 mmPneumatic12V / 24V500
DN125S235JR & Galvanize125 mmPneumatic12V / 24V500
DN150S235JR & Galvanize150 mmPneumatic12V / 24V500
DN200S235JR & Galvanize200 mmPneumatic12V / 24V550

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