Single-stage, closed impeller monoblock centrifugal pumps with volute, which can be connected to straight pipe (line type).
Suction and discharge flanges conform to TS EN 1092-2 / PN 16. For pumps with steel or stainless steel housing, the flanges comply with TS EN 1092 – 1 / PN 16. It can be produced with ANSI / ASME flange upon request.
Pumps are used with high efficiency electric motors according to IEC construction sizes.
All impellers are balanced dynamically or statically in accordance with ISO 1940 class 6.3.
Axial force is balanced with impeller balancing holes system.
Optionally, pumps can be manufactured with wear ring and / or shaft bushing.
The direction of rotation is clockwise when viewed from the motor side.
The pump shaft is connected to the motor shaft by means of a shaft or rigid coupling and the axial and radial forces of the pump are compensated by the motor bearings.